sales regulations is a company represented by Michał Grzybowski, called manager

ER-KA Michał Grzybowski was entered into the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity on 2023-04-03 , NIP number 618-184-40-28 and REGON number 524692966. The company's registered office is located at ul. Jana Kilińskiego 107/14, 90-011, Łódź, (Łódź  Poland, and its owner is Michał Grzybowski named Manager

The domain is a sales platform devoted to uniques and handicrafts. It is a place for people who are looking for unique and handmade  products Registered users can purchase these products as Buyers

GOODS - an item or right that can be sold on the Website. The subject of sale on the Website are items made by the seller himself, that can be classified in accordance with the existing categories, as well as purchased items that meet certain subjective requirements set by the Manager.

PERSON - a natural or legal person, as well as an organizational unit without legal personality, to which the provisions of law grant legal capacity.

USER - an adult natural person with full legal capacity, a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, as well as a minor and / or not having full legal capacity, provided that the consent of the legal representative has been obtained, who after undergoing the registration procedure has access to the services offered by the Website, in particular, the Website may be used both as a Buyer

BUYER - User who purchases the Goods via the Website.

SALE - the procedure leading to the conclusion of a purchase and sale agreement. The result of the sale is the selection of the buyer under the conditions specified in these Regulations. The sale takes place via the Internet in the form of a distance contract between the person placing the order - called the Buyer, and the Seller.

The sale is open to Users. The  goods are available to Users without restrictions. The prices provided by Users are non-confidential information, made public on the website of the Service with the product they concern.

Registration of the User of the website is carried out after providing the Account name (login), valid email address, account password, date of birth and optionally other data contained in the registration form

The Manager undertakes not to disclose Users' personal datas to third parties.

 The seller is obliged to make every effort to finalize the purchase and sale transaction.

By offering the Goods for sale, the Seller confirms that he is entitled to transfer the title to these goods to anyone who purchases them as part of a given sale.

The goods are shipped within 1-7 business days from the moment the payment is credited 

unless  the artist indicated a longer waiting time in the description of the product

If the shipment is lost, it is insured on Polish side - the money is returned to the customer, but you have to wait 30 days for a complaint approved by the post office, and therefore for a cash transfer.If parcel is lost in your destination country the artist will send you tracking number and you have to 

report to the post office in your country.

Terms of returns and cancellations:

You can always submit a request for  return a parcel to the artist within two weeks, but you have to do it at your own expense. After the artist receives the package, you will receive the money by bank transfer. is a plecae where many artyst works  so in order to send back the goods you have to contact the manager and determine the shipping address of the goods,you must provide us with the number of the parcel being returned

Personal data protection-Rodo

Users' personal data are protected and secured against unauthorized access in accordance with art. 23 sec. 1, points 1, 3 and 5 of the Act of August 29, 1997 on the protection of personal data.

Data provided by Users is used to fulfill orders and sales records

The user has the right to access their data and can edit it freely.

The user has the right to delete his personal data from the database after notifying by e-mail or in writing.

The store has no right to use user data for marketing purposes or sell this data to third parties.

Users' data may be made available to entities authorized to receive them under applicable law. is a place that brings together artists from different countries. Handaga is an intermediary in the sale between the buyer and the seller. The producer named Artist, is responsible for the quality of the goods.

Artist also is obliged to accept the complaint and resolve it in accordance with the law in force in the given country. All claims of the Buyers should be directed towards the Artist